Red Beryl - Embracing the rare and fiery brilliance of red beryl, a gem as precious as your passion
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Captivated by the fiery allure of the ruby, where passion and elegance meet in a single gemstone.

Ruby is a precious gemstone known for its vibrant red color and remarkable qualities. Here’s an explanation of ruby:

1. Composition: Ruby is a variety of the mineral corundum, which is primarily composed of aluminum oxide. The red color of ruby is due to the presence of chromium in its crystal structure.

2. Color: The most prominent feature of a ruby is its intense red color, which can range from a pure, deep red to shades with slight undertones of pink, purple, or orange. The most sought-after rubies have a vivid, rich red hue with good transparency.

3. Origins: Historically, some of the most famous sources of rubies include Myanmar (formerly Burma), Thailand, Sri Lanka, and other regions in Asia. Myanmar rubies are particularly renowned for their deep red color, often referred to as “pigeon’s blood” red.

4. Durability: Rubies are extremely durable, with a hardness rating of 9 on the Mohs scale, second only to diamonds. This makes them suitable for all types of jewelry, including rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets.

5. Clarity: While rubies can have inclusions, they are generally more included than sapphires or diamonds. Some inclusions are acceptable, but high-quality rubies have fewer and less visible inclusions. Star rubies, which display a star-like pattern on the surface when cut in cabochon, are also highly prized.

6. Value: The value of a ruby is primarily determined by its color, with the most valuable rubies exhibiting a deep, vibrant red hue with a good degree of transparency. Other factors that affect value include size, clarity, origin, and whether the ruby has been treated or is natural.

7. Birthstone: Ruby is the birthstone for July, and it is often given as a gift to celebrate this month.

8. Symbolism: Rubies have been associated with various symbolic meanings throughout history, including love, passion, strength, and protection. In some cultures, they are seen as a symbol of vitality and energy.

9. Treatments: Many rubies are treated to improve their color and clarity. Heat treatment is the most common method and is generally accepted within the industry as long as it is disclosed.

10. Rarity: Fine-quality rubies are among the most sought-after and valuable gemstones in the world, and large, high-quality rubies are extremely rare, often surpassing the price per carat of diamonds.

Rubies have been prized for their beauty and rarity for centuries, and they continue to be a symbol of luxury and passion. Their striking red color, exceptional durability, and rich history make them a popular choice for both traditional and contemporary jewelry.

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